Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Give Thanks. Sleep Better.

The official celebration of gratitude that we call Thanksgiving is now upon us. As a society and a nation, we must believe gratitude to be very, very important. It is SO important that we proclaim a day just for the purpose of giving thanks. We set aside an entire day...

Is Happiness the Opposite of Success?

  The conventional idea of success has many factors. Is it wealth and material status symbols like a big house and a fancy car? Is it experiences of traveling the world? Is it long-term relationships and a sense of belonging? Is it a prominent career? Does it...

Do It Now! And Do It Every Month!

What would you like to do? Is there a project you’ve wanted to start? Is there a place you want to explore? A book you want to read? A friend you want to visit? Why aren’t you doing it? What’s your excuse? What is standing in your way? Don’t tell me you don’t have the...

Memories Can Fool You

  Memories are shaped by what you feel and what you believe. They are created by your perceptions. The neuroscientist Gerald M. Edelman often speaks of perceiving as “creating,” and remembering as “recreating” or “recategorizing.” Your memory works like a...