Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

measure 1928


 “The real contest is always between what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else.”     ~ Geoffrey Gaberino.

When we measure something or someone, we judge, evaluate and rate. We scrutinize in order to form an assessment by judging. This judgment is made according to a comparison with a certain standard.  Each one of us has our own standards by which we measure ourselves and others. These standards and values are based on subconscious programming and beliefs about what is good and bad, right and wrong. When we measure, it is based on a directly observable value or performance. We determine what is best, based on our own limited perceptions and reality. Just like everything else, this measurement involves choices which determine the importance or value of something.

Have you been measuring yourself against others? Or against yourself? There is really no point at all in measuring yourself against others. When you compare your self to someone else, you put your self in competition with their self. And then you both lose. Each one of us is a unique being with individual and specific gifts, skills and talents which are perfectly aligned to support our life’s mission. You have everything you need to create the life you want. If you were to compare, you would find that no one else has what you need. You may wrongly assess the importance or value of something based on your own personal perceptions. You may think you need something that someone else possesses. You may be lying to yourself and making up stories that are hurtful or limiting.

When you measure yourself against yourself, you can determine how you can do better. And then you can do it! Perhaps you are judging your level of fitness and have determined that you are unsatisfied with how you measure up. Ask yourself how you can improve. You know what you need to do. And you know it is entirely up to you. No one else is feeding you. No one else is moving your body. No one else is making your choices. It’s you. Just you. So stop comparing your body to some one else’s body. Their body is a result of their choices. It has nothing to do with you. Instead, ask yourself what you can do to get the results you want. Make the judgment that you are capable of doing better. Decide that you are capable of making healthy food choices and that you will make time to exercise. Compare your actions with your results and then judge yourself to be doing well. Measure this week’s self against last week’s self. Enjoy your ability to create your success and accomplish your goals.

Are you being the best you that you can imagine? If not, why not? Being the best you is being aligned with your joy. Your joy. No one else’s joy. Your dreams. No one else’s dreams. Stretch your imagination. Dream big. And realize that no one else on the planet is capable of dreaming your dreams or living your joy. Only you can measure up to that.