Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

brain cellls.2


Being physically active requires energy. When you run, swim or jump, your body uses up a lot of fuel moving about. You may not realize how much fuel you are consuming, but you do realize that you are expending energy. You get tired and you need rest. Thinking also requires a lot of energy. Planning for a delightful future takes a lot. Worrying about a dismal future takes a lot more. Using mind consciousness is very expensive. Even though your brain is only 2 percent of your body’s weight, it consumes 20 percent of your body’s energy!

So, how can you save on the energy you are using? Or wasting? You can economize that energy by choosing to practice the habit of mindfulness. You know, paying attention in the moment. Engaging your senses in the experience. Being aware. Focusing on the Now. When you are mindful, you exist in the present moment. This allows your mind consciousness to relax. You can let go of the energy of regretting the past. You can let go of the coulda-shoulda-woulda thoughts. When you relax into the moment, you can release thoughts that create worry about the future. You can stop wasting your time by predicting what you don’t want to happen. You can experience a release from anxiety or depression.

Thoughts are constantly running through our minds, and therefore, the vibrational energy is also constantly in motion. When you focus, you experience the now moment. If you think about the past, you’re thinking about it now. If you think about the future, you’re thinking about it now. Choose your thoughts. Choose carefully.

We often create by default because we are getting whatever we are thinking about now. And whatever it is we are giving our attention to – wanted or unwanted – is what we will receive. Whatever you are thinking about, you are attracting. And you are doing it right now. All the time. With every thought you think.

If you want to be more energy efficient, take charge of your life by taking charge of your thoughts. Allow the natural rhythm of your breath to create a peaceful sense of relaxation. Clear your mind of any mental or emotional clutter. Allow yourself unlimited freedom to create. Use your brain more effectively and efficiently and get the most benefit from all that energy you are consuming. You’ll get more bang for your buck!