Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

3rd eye thought


Have you lost control of your mind? No, I don’t mean that you’ve lost your mind and gone crazy! It’s more about controlling what your mind is thinking about. Sometimes we get lost in the chatter of “coulda shoulda woulda”. Or we begin to listen to the invisible committee in our head whose only job is to judge and make us feel bad about ourselves. You can take control of your thoughts which affect your emotions which affect your actions all of which affect your success, health and happiness. Begin with this thought, “I am powerful.”

Step 1: Become Aware

When you want to change anything, the first thing you must do is to become aware. This is particularly true if what you want to change is your mind.

Simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. Just notice that you’re thinking.Now notice that if “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two individual identities running my life. Is that how you can be “beside yourself”?

The “I”, is the observer. It is the higher self, the true conscious being. The “I” is the soul who keeps the secrets, knows the journey and guides the choices.

The “self” is the mind. Without guidance and control, it will wander aimlessly throughout eternity. It is the ego mind who doubts, judges and fears.

The moment you become “aware” – you have taken control. Notice how it feels to be present within the “I” – the observer of “self”. You now control the power of choice in the moment.

Step 2: Become Relaxed and Focus

Having become “aware”, now all you need do is focus. Direct your thoughts to create your own personal state of peace and relaxation.

Allow yourself to focus on anything your body does on a subconscious level. Become the conscious observer of your self. You will begin to feel more at peace. Pay attention to your breathing. The inhale and the exhale of your breath is a rhythm you can focus upon. When you pay attention to a subconscious activity, your conscious thinking ceases to annoy you with random thoughts.

Step 3: Become Repetitive and Persistent

Focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Slowly exhale. Count “1”. And again. Count “2”. And so on. Counting helps your conscious mind to focus. Continue to be the aware observer. Repeat. After 10 breaths, you will experience a wave of relaxation throughout your body as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into the relaxed and healing Alpha brain-waves.

You have achieved a state of well-being. Your subconscious mind is now ready to receive and act upon your commands and wishes. Now that you know how to control your mind, you know how to take control of your life. What do you plan to do with this knowledge? Will you say “I” am too busy to take time to focus? What will “you” tell your “self”?