Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

I am an artist. I haven’t always claimed that title, but I did come to realize it when I was 30 years old…half a lifetime ago. I became an avid student of photography and the practice helped me see the world in a different way. Since then, I’ve explored many different mediums to express my emotions, my opinions, my dreams.       

Art is a process, not a product. It’s a way to change your perceptions; expand your vision; open up your imagination. Before I become a Hypnotherapist, I was teaching visual arts – drawing, painting, photography, sculpture. Now, I teach the art of living a joyful life. Mindsight is used in both practices.

Recently I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Tony Haynes, an incredible poet and lyricist   ( On his radio show, T.H.E.O.R.Y. on, we spoke about the creative process and the challenges of allowing time for artistic pursuits while juggling the demands of family and career. Listen in to the show’s archives at  

Exhibiting at Ventura Artist Union Erotic Show



In 1986, I wrote the following Thoughts and Considerations on Being an Artist.  I think it applies to the art of life as well. I will make one exception regarding the “string of failures”.  In art or in life, I no longer consider things to be failures. Now, I believe them to be learning experiences that teach me to be better and better each and every day.


Thoughts and Considerations on Being an Artist

It is a need to examine the universe around us and within us, followed by the need to express our feelings about what we perceive.

It is a constant nagging to stop and consider things, offering more questions than answers.

It is a striving for perfection; as we see it or as we want others to see it.

It is a curse as well as a blessing.

It is a string of failures linked to an occasional success. (But, ah, yes… the feeling of that success!)

It is back-breaking work – physical, mental and emotional torture. And it is pure and absolute joy.

It is not something we choose to do, but rather it is something we must do. Without the expression, there is emptiness and frustration.

It is a cross to bear. It is a great gift. It prods us. It pushes us. And finally, it teaches us.

It transcends time. We bring all of our past and present impressions to it – to create it and to experience it. And the art we bring forth will exist beyond our physical time. It has the power to touch the future.