Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT



There are many examples of how the body reacts to the mind…without any logic or reason. One example of this phenomenon is the physical reaction to the expectation of fear. Yes, the expectation. Not the actual experience. When you fear needles, the mere anticipation of receiving an injection creates reactions in your body. It can cause physical changes such as increased respiration and heartbeat, an increased production of adrenaline and insulin and a change in body temperature. This expectation phenomenon also occurs when we think about sex. Just the thought of it produces physical changes in the body. Hormones begin to flow and the body responds to the mind. Remember the mind doesn’t know the difference between what you are imagining and what you perceive to be reality. All of these physical changes begin with the mind. Thoughts alone trigger primitive physiological responses. Obviously, The Mind Matters.

Our bodies are always talking to us, reminding us of what we are thinking. We need to take the time to listen. Sometimes we even use organic language to reflect what our body is saying. We describe an emotion which creates a physical reaction in a particular area of the body. Maybe we feel that our boss is a “pain in the neck” or a “pain in the butt”, and then we suffer from a stiff neck or sciatica. Could it be that heart problems such as angina or heart attack are a result of emotional heartache? Perhaps when we live with a partner who constantly complains or berates us, we develop ear infections or hearing loss. Does a child suffer from a tummy ache when he has to do something that creates anxiety and makes him “sick to his stomach”? When we feel as if we get no support or as if we’ve been “stabbed in the back”, does it result in back pain and weakness? When your mind is thinking, “I’m afraid of what will happen”, your body is experiencing anxiety. And when you’re thinking, “I wish things were different; I regret what happened”, your body feels depression.

In order to have a wonderful, healthy body, you must begin with a calm and healthy mind.       The science of epigenetics tells us that our perception of the world around us is responsible for the body’s health 90% of the time. Bruce Lipton is a researcher in the field of behavioral epigenetics. This science studies the effects of stress, diet, behavior, toxins and other factors which activate chemical switches that regulate gene expression. This gene expression determines whether we develop disease. Or not. Lipton says, “Medicine has acknowledged that illness is seeded in the first six years of life, when beliefs are downloaded by the family into the child’s subconscious.”

When we are little, we have no choice about exposure to limiting beliefs or fears. Each one of us is programmed by outside influences…parents, siblings, extended family, friends, teachers, religious leaders, culture, nationality. We are a blank canvas, or as Lipton illustrates, we are a blank iPod. He says, “When you get a new iPod, there are no recordings, so you can’t play anything. Once you download songs to memory, you can play the downloaded songs. In fact, they are the only songs you can play. There are plenty of other choices for songs, but they can’t play on your iPod until you download them. Similarly, whatever has been downloaded into the subconscious memory is the only choice available to be heard and seen in the body. Other choices are not possible until they are downloaded as beliefs and perception into the subconscious. Thus we automatically act out our parent’s beliefs until we are exposed to other beliefs or intentionally download new beliefs.”

In essence, you only know what you know. You are restricted by your own experiences, beliefs and perceptions. Everybody is!!! You are creating your own personal view of reality, based on whatever has been downloaded and accepted by you. Your body and your physical state of well-being are a reflection of this reality. Your body is a reflection of your subconscious mind and your beliefs about who you are.

Hypnotherapy allows a direct connection between body and mind. It opens communication between conscious, subconscious and superconscious. While in the hypnotic state, you are able to change your programming and create a new blueprint for your health and well-being. Your subconscious mind is a goal achieving machine. You can consciously program new beliefs to create a new way of being. The physical world is a mirror of your beliefs and expectations. You can modify your perception of the way things are. I know the way. Would you like to learn? There is nothing to fear.