Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

Apacheta on Mt. Munay

Years ago, Bill Moyers interviewed Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer and lecturer. Moyers asked him, “Are you a man of faith?” Campbell laughed and responded, “I don’t need faith; I have experience.” When you have experienced, you move beyond faith to a place of knowing.

Experience teaches us what to believe in. If we experience that a man is untruthful, we now have knowledge. We then trust that we cannot believe him. We have faith that he will repeat his actions. Faith is trust, confidence and belief. Experience is knowledge and history.

Your life experiences have taught you about the way life is. That is, the way life is… for you. These experiences and beliefs have created your lifescript. From this, you know where you can place your faith. Your subconscious mind is ruled by faith. This faith is created by years of believing in the way things are. This is not necessarily truth, but it is individual belief based on particular life experiences.

Your personal subconscious memory decides what you can expect to happen. If you have experienced failure, your subconscious will come to expect failure, unless the memories can be cleared and new expectations programmed. You can consciously choose to direct yourself to create new beliefs. Napoleon Hill states in Think and Grow Rich that “Faith is a state of mind which may be induced or created by affirmation…repetition of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith.”

The only way faith can be demonstrated and proven is by taking action. This level of faith is exhibited in self-confidence and a positive belief in your abilities to accomplish your goals. It is vital to understand that each of us is limited only by our beliefs or our faith. There are no limitations; only limited thinking.

By consciously directing your subconscious mind through hypnosis or meditation, you are able to let go of limited thinking. The mind does not know the difference between what you imagine and what you perceive to be reality. If you become comfortable with something through your imagination, you then become comfortable with it in your reality. You change your faith in the way things are. You have knowledge of a different experience.

Life is a series of experiences. One experience after another based on the faith of what is to be expected. Has some part of your life experience created negative beliefs or faith in limited success? Would you like to make some revisions in your lifescript to create new and better experiences? You can. All you need do is give yourself permission to change your perception about the way things are.









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