Patricia Lynn Belkowitz, M.Msc., C.Ht., EFT

It is estimated that about 60 million women suffer from the symptoms of Hurried Woman Syndrome. Dr. Brent Bost of Texas coined the phrase to include women between the ages of 25 and 55, and often with children between the ages of 4 and 16, as being most affected by this syndrome. A stressful career or burdensome responsibilities can all contribute to making the symptoms worse.

These avoidable stresses are those that often come from busy lifestyle choices and a hectic schedule. Chronic stress causes a chemical imbalance which causes fatigue. It also causes an increase in appetite which causes weight gain which causes more fatigue and the cycle continues.

Hypnotherapy can help with the three major symptoms of Hurried Woman (or Man!) Syndrome: Fatigue or Low Mood, Weight Gain and Low Sex Drive (libido).

If you suffer from any or all of these symptoms, give yourself permission to stop the cycle. Slow down. You’re worth it!